Ukraine Oversight Dashboard

The Ukraine Oversight Dashboard below is an interactive dataset of completed and ongoing oversight projects performed by oversight agencies who are members of the Ukraine Oversight Interagency Working Group. The dynamic dashboard provides a user-friendly interface that allows a visitor to filter projects by strategic oversight area, fiscal year, oversight agency, project type and project status. We use charts and graphs to break down the data, and provide PDF and Excel versions of the completed and ongoing list of oversight projects.


Note: Dashboard loading times may vary by device and Internet connection. For access to full dashboard features and best user experience, please view from a desktop computer using Google Chrome. View the Completed Projects by Agency or download the completed project list below the dashboard. 

Recommendations Dashboard

Oversight Reccomendations Dashboard

The Ukraine Oversight Recommendations Dashboard is an interactive compendium of information on oversight recommendations. Visitors can filter and sort by oversight agency, project type, report number, report title, entity, status, and date closed. We use charts and graphs to break down the data, and provide PDF and Excel versions of total, open, and closed oversight recommendations.

View the Ukraine Oversight Recommendations Dashboard

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